

with your information we will be using it to give you the best experience in our game. like email, discord, record audio, ect. with record Audio we will use it so you may socialize with the other players within our game. If we get your email, discord, record audio, we wont be using it for illegal purposes and will only be using it so we can give you multiplayer and get your reports if someone is breaking the code of conduct. we hope you have the best experience in our game. 

How to delete collected data.

to delete the collected data we get is to either go to the oculus app and turn off record audio and connected email. my team will see this and turn it off with an auto set for your privacy. second way to delete the collected data is to email us and say that you want your record audio, email, discord of our platform. me and my team will immediately delete your info off of our game/platform so none of the data we collected

will be kept.

and that's how you delete the collected data off our game!

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